Some Thoughts

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

To dearest BIN TAN island...

Today (hmm, actually turned yesterday, half hour ago), was bad and tiring.

Since the night before, the weekend, been having headaches. Not too sure why, maybe been thinking or worrying too much about all sort of things especially work and what lies ahead.

Morning started off quite badly. Weather was damn cold. 4 degree - when I reached office and checked. Almost freeze me to death. On the way to office, there seems to be this thin layer of white color stuff covering the usually green and dewy grass. I would think is snow.

Used to like winter, all the snow and nice, cool weather that we never get in Singapore. I guess it is nice to experience it like while traveling but I dont think I enjoy winter that much anymore. Too freaking cold and troublesome. The worst part has yet to come. The "electrifying" part. Yeah, the static lah. I have already started to get "shock" a couple of times these 2 days. I really hate it.

Anyway, that was morning. Then from 9am, bosses and colleagues started streaming in and so did the workload. All the way from 9am to 6pm, non stop - invoicing, faxing, billing, scanning, asking, fainting... Didnt even had time for lunch. So my packet lunch became my dinner.

Then, on the way home on the bus, I saw message from my dearest BIN TAN... Already having bad headaches, saw her message, almost died of high blood pressure. She got accepted by freaking NUS engineering course part time degree, yet she come and tell me she doesnt want to take it. Makes my blood boils (still boiling, if not I wont be staying up this late to write here). I feel like holding her and gave a a good hard shake, upside down, inside out.

I really hope she understands that it is a pretty good opportunity for her. Honestly, it is not easy getting into a Uni especially since her major is not that common. If she is in the business line, of course it doesnt matter if she doesnt want to study now, cos business schools are kinda like everywhere. But talk about engineering, good ones and recognized ones at least, not alot. I would only really think there are NTU and NUS and probably some courses offered by some big companies and organizations. And she went through all the trouble of going for the courses, just to come and say she doesnt want to attend the course... Seriously, "tao ka pai" ah... (hokkien saying literally means "skull spoil" / "brain spoil")

Dearest ah BIN, you saw my smses to you. Please go through them carefully and think about it. It is really a vicious cycle. You dont do it now, you will just be going round and round and you will never do it anymore.

You might think I will never understand how your BB feels or how you feel. You are right, I dont understand and I dont want to understand for the time being. Because... You also dont understand how I (and everyone else who cares) feel about you not wanting to attend the course. You freaking got the chance and opportunity to study now, you should just do it. You do it now, you might have to live a more... "frugal" life for a while, but it is for the better of your future. Yeah, you dont want to add burden to his family cos they have paid alot. But you think about it, at this level now, do you think you can repay them back anytime soon? 2, 3 years time? Standard of living keeps going up. Everyone has to keep up with the pace. We cant just stay at where we are thinking that things will get better and wait till things get better then we come and do something about it. Cos by not doing anything and remaining status quo, things wont get better, you will just keep lagging... Pfft...

Please, think about it for yourself and for him and his family. I hope you be a bit more rational about this whole thing...

*Note: Serious ah, not threatening you, you dont study right, I think I probably wont go back for CNY le... =)


  • EHow can you not go back just because of her? what about me?!

    By Blogger Jac, At Tuesday, October 21, 2008 7:58:00 AM  

  • This is the second time I am typing this comment cos the freaking iPhone kept bringing me back to main menu n the page reload...

    Haha, I go back n play disappearance la, learn from u lo! Hee, eh if u happen to meet her, try to slowly n calmly talk to her, its understandable shd has got her own worries n burden... haha... Feeling damn down n demoralized now, just wish to return to where I might possibly belong...

    By Blogger Skyline, At Tuesday, October 21, 2008 6:55:00 PM  

  • hey.... dun like tt leh!! i will feel guilty de lor... i noe u super duper angry... i noe tt's my dream n u wan me to fulfill my dream... these few days i hav been trying v v hard to think how am i gg to discuss w him... i think until i hav chicken pox le eh.... u must come back la... even i dun take up tt offer... if not ur parents will kill me la... i promised.. i will discuss w him de... ok??? dun angry la... maybe i really choose a wrong time telling you... hehe... dun angry k???

    By Blogger binbin, At Tuesday, October 21, 2008 11:58:00 PM  

  • Sigh Sigh.. My chance to go China pao tang le.. Damn sian, I believe because of the stupid economy, company cutting down on travel buget etc.. A little demoralised too.

    I'm not very good with words but if that wei er ever contact me, I'll do my best lah..

    Ask Sunny Sun wanna take you back mah then come back lah!! You belong here! 1 street away from me. Haha..

    By Blogger Jac, At Wednesday, October 22, 2008 3:24:00 AM  

  • I think the jacket that the sun folks gave u came in handy? 4 degrees is really shit man. U should stock up on the fats.

    Keep warm...

    By Blogger vintageflavor, At Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:15:00 PM  

  • hey... this came really late, I didnt realize you all got post messages / comments here... alamak... pai say...

    By Blogger Skyline, At Wednesday, February 04, 2009 10:28:00 AM  

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