Some Thoughts

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Expectation too high??

Why do some people have the thinking that people who are educated (meaning literate), knows about everything? Just because a person can read, write and speak doesnt really mean that the person can understand or grasp something that is new or something that he/she does not have prior knowledge or contact with...

Take for example, you were given a new gadget, say a new type of microwave over which doesnt look like the conventional type of oven that you have always seen and used all your life. The gadget comes with a 25 pages manual. Half the book (13 pages) contains not instructions but recipes. The other half of the book gives you some safety instructions, a big diagram of the components of the gadget, maintainance of the gadget and 2 pages on what wonderful achievements can be done using that gadget. One page contains the "operations" of the gadget. If I were the manufacturer I wouldnt keep the operations to just one page. It is a new gadget and it doesnt even looks like a microwave oven. Shouldnt think that everyone is a mind reader who can read what your thinking...

Anyway, say this manual is being passed to a normal person who can read, speak and write english. Should we expect this person to understand how to use the gadget? I dont think we should. We need to consider other factors. Maybe at the time when you pass this manual to this person, he/she is in the "hibernate" mode? He/She has comprehension problems and need a little more time to digest the thing? That person probably need to read it a few times, go to bed, ponder on it for a few nights and then will begin to see the light?? Well, it might sound ridiculous, but I dont think why it cant be possible... A person's mood can greatly affects them in many ways...

Take for another example, say someone who doesnt know english very well receives a letter (probably from bank, a govt entity or a promotional gimmick from some firms etc). That person pass this letter to you and wants you to tell him/her what is the content about. Say it is a credit card issue from bank. You probably can approximately tell him/her what roughly the letter is talking about if you are a credit card owner yourself. Even if you have credit cards, I dont think you will fully understand what is going on unless you ask further questions about the credit card scheme that the person signed up or that you own that exact same credit card with the same kind of promotions etc... AND if you are totally credit card idiot or bank ignorant, you probably wont be able to understand certain in the letter...

Anyway... I guess the above doesnt apply to all people... perhaps only to a selected few... No matter what, I still think that people nowadays have too high an expectation on one another, or people think too highly of people who receive slightly more education. Just like some tution kids might bombard their tutors with all sort of questions thinking that because my tutor is a graduate, a diploma holder, Alevel cert holder etc (receives more education than him/her) means that the tutor can answer all the questions... This analogy is not that good but well, think along that line I guess...



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